Monday, April 3, 2017

April projects

Cynthia Brunz hosts an orphan adoption twice a year at Quilting is More Fun than Housework

I found this great quilt and was gifted it. by Cathy at Cathy's Crazy by Design
WOW It is really beautiful in person. My plan and one monthly goal is to finish it and gift it to a wonderful woman at church. About a year ago, I realized that some of my friends at church had reached 80 years of age. They are so vital, that I hadn't even guessed. early 70s maybe but not 80s. They make getting older look doable. But, with that insigh,t came the realization that we could lose them, and I felt like I had never adequately expressed how much they mean to me, and I am sure many others. I decided I would make a quilt for each of them. I have given 3 so far, and each one is so surprised and touched by the thought. I try to make it in their favorite colors, and as many as I have started around here, that I could finish, I seem to prefer to start it from scratch.

Just before Christmas, was my great fail at this, as one dear woman passed away, and I hadn't finished her quilt. Tears as I think of it.  I have wondered if I need to rethink how much time I need to give to it, and step it up. The next wonderful woman on my mind loves the color pink, so when I saw this quilt, I asked for it in hopes of getting it done for her. I don't have much pink around here at all, at least nothing that has jumped out to me.
When this arrived, I was amazed at how wonderful it is. It will suit her just fine. These are some of my favorite blocks....

I am really grateful for this treasure.

For my Monthly UFO 2017- the number is 1 and it is my happy Birds quilt, which is also my one monthly goal as well.
I am thinking that I can get it finished to the last border, but who knows all the way finished would be great.
I am working on the square in a square row #3. 
I am linking to:
Making Monday
Moving it Forward Monday 
Main Crush Monday


  1. What a beautiful way to show appreciation to those we care about! The elderly are a vital part of our lives indeed!

  2. That is one great quilt! I love the blocks you shared. You are doing a wonderful thing to recognize these matriarchs with a quilt. Good luck with your OMG this month.

  3. What a lovely gesture, I'm sure the ladies at church who receive one of your quilts must be thrilled!

  4. How nice to gift that pretty quilt. Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and good luck on your project.

  5. A beautiful treasure indeed! Good luck with all your April goals.

  6. This is such a pretty quilt! It's going to make an awesome gift.
