Wednesday, February 21, 2024

split nine patch start

 This is an older ufo that I added to my 5 quilts project for February. All the blocks were finished and trimmed as leader and enders in 2013. I have 256 of them. I started this as part of the quiltville leader/ ender challenge. I started working on this with a color picture of Bonnie's finished quilt. I tried to 'see' the way the triangles should be turned. I only confused myself. and put it back in the box. I did some digging and found a grayed chart I thought would help. I enlarged it for old eyes, and marked the paper as I went along. I decided to divide the top into chunks instead of long rows. I hope it helps me see any missteps, before it gets too far. 

This is how far I was able to get during an open sew.


  1. That sounds like a good idea - working in sections. Have fun. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Hope you continue on your path.! It looks good! My brain struggles with the diagonal piecing.The grayed chart look like a great tool.
