Monday, February 12, 2024

just dashing

I really don't like trimming, but, the little mini churn dashes are a little wonky. The best I can do is a little at a time, Then, I make foursies with them and add them to their larger counter part. It keeps me motivated. And I feel like I am making progress. 

I am linking:


  1. Can't go wrong with a Churn Dash block - in any size. Very cute!

  2. Trimming is such a time-consuming step, but it does help in keeping everything nice and square along the way. Thanks for sharing in Sew & Tell.

  3. Scrap dash (but not slap-dash) -- looking great.

  4. I have to do my trimming in small batches too, it's too hard to stand and trim lots of blocks all at once. Your scrappy Churn Dash is looking good.

  5. There's something so sweet about those mini churn dash blocks! Love them. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

  6. I love those little mini churn dash blocks, Maggie! Thanks for linking up with Monday Musings.
