Monday, May 8, 2023

floor disaster

This was my view from the door into my sewing room. I had to step over things to get to my sewing table. It was embarrassing and dangerous. I was focused on getting parts done, so, I would just set aside the maintenance, until, my projects were done. which is never.  I just couldn't take it anymore. Enough is enough. I decided, for April, I was going to take back my sewing room floor.

My first decision was to tackle the table next to my accuquilt. I cut and throw  the scraps into a pile for later. This is part of the floor cleaning, because, it spills onto the floor. My accuquilt is to the right, and, I almost couldn't run it to the left without knocking stuff over to the floor.

I have 3 drawers in my room for 1 1/2 inch, 2 inch, and 2 1/2 inch strips. These are the temporary homes for cut pieces, until, I can sort them into colors families in their real home. I wait until they are practically impossible to close them.  The worst offender at this point is the bottom bin of 1 1/2 inch strips that have actually spilled over into a pile on the floor..... a big pile.

I made progress in April, and, hopefully, will finish in May. I must be careful - It is easy to get distracted by all the cool things I am finding.

I am linking:


  1. Cleaning is a great way to rediscover pretty fabrics ;) Have fun, and enjoy sorting your scraps!

  2. I feel your pain. My very big cutting table looks about the same. Except I still have one section clear to do any cutting I might need to do. Do you cut larger scraps into HSTs or other die shapes? I've done some but haven't figured out a decent storage system for them. Sigh.

  3. There is such inspiration in cleaning & sorting. It's like finding old friends! Thank you for sharing in Sew & Tell.

  4. I opened a drawer of plastic bags and found the same thing. The drawer was open already since it was too full! I found 2 extension cords, a power bars, sewing machine parts and pipcleaners! I had to rid it out ! Good luck with the organizing!

  5. I can get in the door of my sewing room - but my big pile is in front of my bookcase. Every day I tell myself I'm going to tame the beast, but it hasn't happened yet.

  6. Scrap saving is like potato chips--can't have just one!

  7. Dawn posted a video about scrap sorting -- a different approach.

  8. I feel for you. My sewing room looked like that in January and then I spent about a month sorting and ironing fabric. I still have two huge tubs that need to be sliced up into strips, but I'm happy with my progress.

  9. I get it. It's always easier to continue with our projects than clean up, so I'm proud you stopped to handle the mess! Great progress for April and May will soon have it tamed. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

  10. It really is easier to keep working than to take the time to stop and clean! You are making great progress though!

  11. Hi Maggie. All I can say is good luck taming those scraps and taking back your space. I have to confess to having a bin that needs to be dealt with, especially since my “sewing room” is 4’ square in a corner of our living room. Thank you for linking with To Do Tuesday. Hope you had a wonderful week.
