Sunday, May 28, 2023

stash report May 28, 2023

 While cleaning my room, I found an unopened box from missourri star quilts. In it were a few neutrals and a fat quarter bundle of kaffe fabric. In my defense, I used to know it was there. I don't need the kaffe until the end of the rainbow scrap challenge year for my lucky stars quilt. So, I didn't hurry to open it.  But, then,.... I forgot it.  Such a lovely surprise to find while cleaning. No one likes to clean, maybe all quilters need to hide fun surprises in the mess to make it more fun. I think chocolate would work just as well.

 stash report May 28, 2023

fabric added: 9 yards

fabric added year to date: 72 yards 

fabric used:  0 yards  I am piecing, but, I have had customer quilts hogging the longarm, so, no finishes.
fabric used year to date: 186 1/2 yards

114 1/ 2 yards used more than bought 

I sewed 7 days last week. 

 I have started knitting a pair of socks. I was worried I wouldn't remember how since it has been so long. But, I found my stuff and my groove. I have the cuff done and I am trying a pattern on the leg, called long time gone. I won't know for a little while whether I am getting it right. I found this yarn buried in the floor disaster. I thought. I used to make socks all the time, why not again. The floor is clean, again.

I am linking to:


  1. The things we find when we start to tidy! Enjoy your knitting! Gail at the cozy quilter

  2. LOL! Yes! Chocolate! I so agree!

  3. What a fun and great surprise! Yes, definitely like chocolate ;)) Great start with your knitted sock.
    Thank you for sharing and linking up!

  4. My brother calls that "shopping at the No Dollar store" 🤣

  5. It is amazing what we find when we straighten the craft area. I love the sock yarn and the pretty fabric

  6. I'm laughing at your forgetting you had a box of fabric! I rip my packages open immediately and then drool over my purchases.

  7. That is a fun surprise! You are still on track with your stash management and stitching metrics this week.

  8. Oh how fun! Knitting always seems magical to me, making something out of thin air -- like Rumplestiltskin spinning straw into gold!

  9. Mmm, socks, always so satisfying to knit, I think.

  10. I do not knit, but socks would be the thing that would get me to take it up! Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.
