Monday, April 24, 2023

quilt border debate

When I finished hand me down top, to be honest, I just wanted to be done. I had worked at it with intent, and, I was losing motivation. I really thought I would skip the cool border that was in the pattern and just add a plain border. I let it steep for a few days, and, I realized part of why I started the quilt, was the border. But, 5 rows? really?

I decided to go for it. I have enough fabric, and, I tend to make bed size quilts, and, I started the quilt with the border as part of the plan. The blue stripe was yardage but the rest were shirts. I had to be creative in piecing it together. This is my one monthly goal for April and I am cutting it close.

I am linking:


  1. I always start with good intentions of making a pieced border, but then just want the thing done, so I do fabric strips. Congrats for not giving in. It's going to be a cool finish with that border.

  2. Good for you. . . following up on your initial goal. Your determination to finish it the way you intended is inspiring.

  3. Well I admire you for getting back to your original plan. The photo you shared looks beautiful!

  4. Congrats on not giving up! What a pretty border. This is going to be such a beautiful quilt. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

  5. In the end, it will be worth the effort. Thanks for joining Sew & Tell. :)

  6. Good luck with the borders! I've always liked this quilt pattern.

  7. Best of luck on completing your April goal, Maggie!

  8. Hang in there and carry on. . .that border will be worth all of the effort! --TerryK@OnGoingProjects

  9. Love the border and it will be worth it when you are finished with it! Thanks for linking up with Monday Musings.

  10. I'm sure the lovely border will finish your quilt off beautifully, and be well worth the effort.
