Saturday, April 1, 2023

more green

I don't know the color for April, so, I am showing the last of my March green blocks for the rainbow scrap challenge.

I made Lucky star in green.

I lost my fish school blocks last month. I told all my scraps, that, if, they did not rat out the delinquent fish hsts, that, I would burn all of my scraps and start buying new fabric. There was a snitch, and, now, they are back in custody, and the scraps are once again safe.

It is the end of the month and I checked my progress for the PHD and will link with that group. I finished 2 UFOs in March, Which is 6 for the year, so far.

I am linking to:


  1. Sounds like you had those scraps shaking in their boots! Glad they produced those rogue fish school blocks! Love those rich lucky star blocks!

  2. Inquiring minds want to know, Maggie... Where were those fishy blocks hiding? SEW glad you found them and congrats on your UFO progress this year!

  3. Phew! For a moment there I was really scared for your scraps! Lol. Your stars look great. That's such a lovely green. Enjoy! ;^)

  4. Good for you finishing up 6 UFOs so far this year. That's fabulous.

  5. Beautiful green Lucky stars! Glad all the scraps helped you to find thouse Fish School blocks. LOL
    Congrats for finishing 6 quilts so far, Maggie.

  6. I'm pleased your fish swam back into your life again. Sometimes, like me, you wonder where these missing things go!

  7. You are doing so well with PHD! Wow! You are the finishing queen. Your RSC blocks this month are so lovely! Love those batiks. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

  8. You're doing a good job at knocking out your PHD. Wonderful! Glad you found your fish HSTs. Little dickens were probably snickering behind your back the whole time!
