Monday, July 26, 2021

waffle progress

 I have just a few more waffle stamp blocks. After my daughter and her family left for her home so very far away, I sewed some random blocks to keep from tears. It really didn't work. But, I made a little progress

I just realize that I have to start the upper right block of each block in the same direction for the waffle stamp blocks. sigh...

Scrapbuster 2020

tiny houses

1 1/2 inch size easy breezy


  1. It would be so nice if our children lived close to us. Have a good day of stitching!

  2. Oh, Maggie -- sending you hugs! My baby is leaving for college in 3 weeks and I know I will wander around his room, sniffing his pillow and bawling for a few days. I'm glad you had your sewing to console you!

  3. What a wonderful array of blocks! Thanks for linking up with To-Do Tuesday!

  4. What a wonderful array of blocks! Thanks for linking up with To-Do Tuesday!

  5. Lovely scrap projects! Thanks for sharing them on Wednesday Wait Loss. Sending you hugs for your tearful goodbye. It's never easy.
