Monday, July 5, 2021

such a blessing

I spent Sunday with this little guy. He is such a blessing. He is our 11th Grandchild, 9 of them are boys. I had 4 boys and 1 girl. So we are used to boys around here. Here is the quilt I made for him.

All my Carolina chain blocks are in set of 4... all 1 million. I can do this on this quilt because each row has an even number, and doubles.

I am linking:


  1. Sweet baby boy, Maggie!! I bet you got lots of snuggles, didn't you?

  2. What a doll - those eyes! I took a peek at the quilt you made for him - very pretty with those blues. I like your Carolina chain fabrics!

  3. What a sweet face. Looks like you have chain blocks for eternity!! Thanks for linking up, good luck with your next list of goals!

  4. Oh my! He’s a handsome one! I love the quilt for him!

  5. What a cutie! I bet you enjoyed spending some time with him! I like those Carolina Chain blocks - they'll make a fun quilt.

  6. He's such a cutie! You are so blessed. Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.
