Monday, March 4, 2019

end of rainbow book found

Recently, my computer mouse and I have been at odds. I think I am in charge, and he thinks otherwise. I have a little finger tremble, and I am going places I didn't plan. Recently, I deleted comments unintentionally. The delete button is right next to the publish button, and I am thinking publish, and, the stupid mouse is thinking go further to the delete button. I am so sorry and sad. Is there a way to get them back on blogger. sigh..... Oh and the keyboard thinks I can't spell.

I am so relieved and excited to have found my book for the end of the rainbow quilt. hmmmm I wonder if the mouse hid it. I blogged about losing it here. Where did I find it? right next to the magazine holder where I keep it. I was lazy and just put it next to it, not in it. sigh....

With the instructions, I was able to piece the red blocks and the yellow blocks. These were the January and February colors for the rainbow scrap challenge. The March color is green, and from the picture I can tell I will be able to finish the whole first row.

I am linking to:


  1. I'm working on this quilt too. Just have my yellow blocks done.

  2. That's a pretty quilt. I am always misplacing things - particularly things I think I'm putting in a safe place. . . ;D

  3. So glad you found your book! Your End of the Rainbow is going to be so pretty!

  4. I hate when things hide from us. That is going to be a spectacular quilt. I am liking the colors so far and they all fit in with the blocks I'm making. Let's hope the mouse will cooperate in the future.

  5. Hi Maggie! That's great news that you found the book and thus instructions for this lovely quilt. Wowee - the whole first row will be complete in the first quarter. That's great too. Ugg, I hate it when technology thinks its in charge. Clearly it isn't - where would that mouse and keyboard be without you?! Just a pile of plastic without your hand and fingers. Happy Monday to you. ~smile~ Roseanne

  6. MUST remember this for another year's RSC project!! I won a copy of that book (and more) in Melissa's Blog Hop. Your blocks are looking SEW good!

  7. Love your RSC blocks! They're actually very similar to the ones I'm doing -- String X blocks from Bonnie Hunter's free tab.

  8. When the computer and the mouse start plotting against you, then you have real trouble! Glad you found your book, your blocks look great!

  9. Oh, dear! Sometimes that 2001: A Space Odyssey movie seems to be coming true and the computer is HAL who is plotting against you... And then you just have to yank the cord out of the wall and pretend you hear the computer saying "My mind is going..." Hah! It's okay. Your books and your fabrics will never betray you like the computer will!
