Saturday, March 2, 2019

march one monthly goal

We had a little hiccup at our house. We made an emergency room visit for my hubby with a wild heartbeat. He spent the night in the hospital and I haven't really felt normal. He's done this before and it went fine, but there is always the worry.

For March one monthly goal, I would like to add the borders, quilt and bind the Denise Schmidt version of Grand Illusion, a quiltville mystery quilt. I have the grand illusion done in the colors that Bonnie gave us, but, I made 2 at the same time. I doubt that I will ever do that again. But, It's good thing I have one finished, because I can't find the directions and will have to use the quilt to see how to finish it.

Every month for a goal, I will include what I need for my circa 1880 swap. I will need to make 30 blocks.

Cactus patch is a quilt that I made some time ago, and have not quilted or bound. I want to get that done this month too. It is also a quiltville quilt from scraps and shirttails book.
This is Bonnie Hunter's quilt on her site.

I want to string piece the blocks for another quiltville  quilt called Sand castles. This is a new project for the year, so I can take the whole year. I have the papers ready, and have gathered the taupe fabrics, I can use. I had started gathering the fabrics when Bonnie shared parts of her quilt on her blog before it was part of string frenzy book. I knew I wouldn't get to it any sooner than I would get the book.

Today should be the start of a new color for rainbow scrap challenge. I finished some of the tiny Tuesday blocks in yellow. I have 2 more to do to be done with yellow and looking forward to the new color.

I am linking:


  1. I'm always impressed when quilters finish a Bonnie Hunter mystery quilt. They are so nice, but there are so many pieces! Congratulations on finishing two from the same pattern.

  2. Oh no hope all us well with hubs. Scary stuff. Your projects look great

  3. Lovely quilt top. Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly goal and good luck with your project!

  4. What pretty YELLOW blocks for the RSC!! I really like the gray that you chose for the border of your Tiny Tuesday blocks. It's going to be fun seeing this project grow. Here's hoping things will get back to normal at your house soon. Less worry, MORE quilting!!

  5. Lots of great progress - hope your husband is doing well and hope you've found time to get your string blocks started.

  6. Good luck with all your March quilty plans. You've got some gorgeous projects to work on this month.
