Monday, July 30, 2018

July goals

My One Monthly goals for July might have been ambitious. But, I am pleased with my progress. I wanted to assemble the quiltville mystery roll roll cotton boll, and I did. just this morning. I still haven't pressed it, and I want to get it ready to quilt. I am even thinking I like it enough to enter it in the guild quilt show in September. We will see after I quilt it.

I wanted to assemble snow days and finish the stitching, and I did. I think it needs a border, though.

I had hoped to get one more block for Across the wide Missouri, but, this is as far as I have gotten. I am not comfortable with applique, yet, and it is a good thing that it is supposed to look primitive.

I enjoy participating in the One Monthly Goal. It helps me plan and keeps me a little more focused. I would be all over the place otherwise.


  1. Love that pattern! Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and congrats on your finish!

  2. I haven't done Cotton Boll yet, though it is on the (very long) list. Good work!

  3. Thank you for your link to the Show and Tell Monday and welcome to the week again !!
    Summer hugs from Bambi

  4. You've got some beautiful projects in the works. Congrats on all the progress you made in July.
