Monday, August 7, 2017

strings and beans

it was green bean time.

 and string Saturday
I am working on the string blocks for Bonnie Hunter Dawn' early light. It takes 2 different sizes. I am working on the biggest blocks while I still have longer strips. I don't have any plans to make the quilt anytime soon, but I can get the string blocks done. I don't have many dedicated neutral strings, although, there are still some mixed in with all the others. I will just have to sort.

Sometimes, I worry I am adding too much color, but, then, I look at Bonnie's and see color there as well.

more box kite blocks

On the home front, we still haven't found the right house color. I have my Dad's letters in piles of years strewn all over the dining room. And have had computer problems trying to install scanner software. And my husband's plant is closing in November, and something will have to happen by then.I have hauled boxes to goodwill, for sure, it is time to downsize.

Yesterday at church, we had a full time RVer visit, that sounded good, maybe it will be time to hit the road. We will need a semi for the fabric and longarm. Hey is that cheaper than a house?
I quilt to not worry and I am so grateful I can.

I am linking to:
Making Monday
main Crush Monday


  1. I have not ever done the box kite block, really like it. I am a big Bonnie Hunter fan too.

  2. That is so organized of you to get a head start on those Bonnie Hunter blocks. The box kite blocks are coming along nicely, too. RV-ing does sound like fun...but I could never fit everything I want into on. My son is a minimalist, but me not so much. Happy sewing! Andrea

  3. Looks like you had a very productive weekend.

  4. I am fascinated by the kite blocks. They are very cool.


  5. I love string/crumb sewing! It's like a quilter's time to just play in the med. You don't have to think - just grab a scrap that suits your fancy, stitch it on, grab another one, stitch. . . And then it's so satisfying to cut a nice block out of the result! I'm sorry you have to deal with the home uncertainties right now. Quilting work definitely holds incredible therapy value!

  6. Thank you friend for your inspiration and link to Visa and tell you Monday !! Bambi
