Friday, May 5, 2017

trimming cross blocks

I think I have made all the alternate cross blocks for wild and goosey. I need to trim them down to an odd size.

While on a call with my daughter, I worked on the sashing pieces for 4 patch x found in Bonnie Hunter's book More Adventures with leaders and enders.
Then, after already making them all, I decided to try them out to see if I like them. Hmmm not so much yet. I sure hope they grow on me. I think they need to be lighter. sigh...

I have a couple of orders for Rug hooking frame cozies I needed to get done. They make rug hooking so much more comfortable.

We are still waiting for rain to subside. Schools closed early because of roads flooding. We have standing water in our woods. The grass likes all the rain. But I am developing web feet.

I am linking to:
Finished or Not Fridays
Whoop Whoop


  1. I love those cross blocks! The scrappy blocks look good too...hopefully you'll like them better when you have more made :) I hope you don't have any problems from all the rain.

  2. Hope you are drying out some today. We had all that rain earlier this week, it flooded here too. Looks like you are making really good progress on Wild and Goosey.
