Saturday, March 18, 2017

red leaves

The bottom left quadrant is together for Fancy Forest quilt. woohoo!
Until this is finished, most of my pictures look the same. Lots of green for St pat's weekend, but no red for the rainbow.

I have cut my red scraps for in the garden leaves for the rainbow scrap challenge. I want to make 8.
If I get the bottom right quadrant together, I will reward myself with red leaves sewing. - crossing my fingers.
When I get stressed about the fancy forest or bored with in the garden I have been pushing En Provence hourglasses through the machine - a little mindless therapy. I need 80 of those.

Dreary cold day today, but with a chance to quilt, my mood won't match the weather at all. :)
I am linking to:
 SewCan She
Oh scrap
rsc17 super saturday


  1. Wow, just love your Fancy Forest quilt, you sew like I do, when challenged or stressed, push through and then I reward myself.

  2. Like the background you are using for your Fancy Forest.

  3. Snowy and cold here in Ohio. Might as well sew! Way to keep the dreary moods away!

  4. Love the forest critters. It's great to have a variety of projects on the go to provide distraction and a break when needed.

  5. Nice work on your Forest Friends! I made my RED blocks for the RSC before moving on to other projects. Oh, to have the discipline to work under your reward system!!

  6. Great to get the Fancy Forest done. I have started the large size, maybe half the blocks done.

  7. You've been moving along with all of your projects. Hope you got lots done this weekend.
