Saturday, April 20, 2024

yellow windmills

Yellow is the color for April and the  rainbow scrap challenge. I made 2 rows of Jo's checkers in yellow. I bet I could put at least two long rows together - I have enough different colors.

My favorite color is yellow ( most of the time) but I am not thrilled with my yellow blocks when they are photographed. I mostly like them in person. It might be time to grab some bigger pieces of yellow and whack them in to scraps for next time. 

 Fruit trees are budding and leafing. We have planted a new bed of strawberries and brocoli. 


  1. So many pretty yellow fabrics this month.

  2. Your yellow blocks are pretty, love the variety of yellows.

  3. Pretty yellow blocks! Good luck with the strawberries and broccoli.

  4. Very bright and sunny yellow blocks.

  5. Yellow is such a happy color! Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.
