Monday, April 22, 2024

box kite inner border

Box kite center is together and I have added the inner border. I am piecing the border but the corners are a challenge to me. I need to double down on this if I am going to finish the top by the end of the month for April's one monthly goal. I have skipped most of my social quilting and that is where I get more done.

I am linking:


  1. Box Kite looks intricate. I wonder if I have the skills to make it as I love your version here. Love the red border too.

  2. Lots of scrappy goodness in this one. Love all those bright colors.

  3. It's beautiful. The red inner border is a great choice.

  4. Love the pattern this quilt creates! Hopefully you will finish in April as you want. You're so close! Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.
