Wednesday, February 13, 2019

star blocks

Sometimes, just the way I set my pieces to be sewn can make it a bit more fun and challenging so that it doesn't get boring. I was really struggling with the star blocks for the pumpkin quilt. I had sewn the same seams 3 different times and was a little antsy. So, I played a game of seeing how few moves I could make for each step.
If I put the hsts upside down, I could pick one up with each hand, and nest the seam, and start with the part that needed to match. So that it wouldn't shift under the needle.

I needed to add a plain square to the end of a set of two hsts. I set them like this in front of me, with the open end toward me.

I could pick up the triangle set with the open edge facing me with my left hand and the square with my right, and fee them through. One movement.

After all of them were done, it was time to add the plain square to the other end.

I didn't iron until I had them all together. And yes, those were my jammies, before the world was awake. A happy time to sew.

And a star is born.

I am linking to:


midweek makers

Bee Social
Silly Mama WIP

Oh Scrap


  1. such a great tip!
    thanks so much for linking up!

  2. Hi Maggie! And a worthy star it is. I love all of your fabric choices!! ~smile~ Roseanne

  3. Lovely stars! The jammies were a fitting attire!
