Wednesday, February 6, 2019

star blocks autumn

I have sewed these triangles 3 times, once without bobbin thread, once because the tension was wonky, and once the right way. practice makes perfect. I's a good thing there were not so many. I am trying to make star blocks for the pumpkin jubilee quilt that I started in the fall ( a little behind). Needless to say, they are on time out for awhile.

The border fabric I ordered has arrived for Christmas Snowflake.

And I like it. It looks like I what I saw in my head.

I am linking to:


midweek makers

Bee Social
Silly Mama WIP

Oh Scrap


  1. oh my...been there, done that...
    love your border fabric...
    thanks for linking up!

  2. You're just early for THIS years fall season ;)

    I like those blocks for your Christmas snowflakes.

  3. Well, I could say been there done that, but it won't make it any better for you! Hope they behave next time.

  4. Your pumpkins are going to be so cute. I'm glad the striped fabric works. It's so disappointing when a fabric doesn't work out. Happy stitching!

  5. I was behind reading your blog. Just caught up.

    At one point you discovered mystery neutral string blogs on your treadle. You made them Dec 31. It looked like you were working on good fortune.
