Friday, September 7, 2018

project box reveal

The tomatoes are ready. It was a good year for them. They are tasting really yummy, and the thick core we had last year did not plague us this year. Last year it was too cold and rainy for a bumper crop. This year our big problem is the mosquitoes. My hubby dons a mosquito hazmat suit when He visits the garden.

I found this little quilt at the goodwill this week. It's cute, but, apparently, the quilter didn't want to quilt it. It will be great to finish for a donation quilt.

Since, I needed to put it away in a project box, I found one already occupied with enough room.
It was fun to look through it and remind myself of all the great projects yet to be.

A start of a lego quilt

These use the measuring tape for a closure.

And I am always hoping for more organization. I just can't get organized enough to get organized - haha.

This is a complete kit for a bog coat from the 90s.

Why haven't I made any of these? I think because they are not routine. And I don't have any reason to need them. I have been focusing on finishing quilts, and most are not quilts or even started. They have slipped off the radar.

So, I studied the bog coat pattern, and I do not see myself making that. But there is probably 4 yards of fabric that I have a project in mind for it. More on that later.

The lego quilt I will change into this great string quilt if I can.
The snappy bag I will send to my sewing area and try to at least pick the fabrics.
 The rest will go back in the box for another day of discovery.

I am linking to:


  1. I've always loved the concept of the Bog Coat, and almost made one a couple of times. Then realize that I come in "Queen size", and would look like a beached whale in one. Still love the idea.
    Pat F in Winnipeg

  2. It's both fascinating and scary to go through old project boxes. Looks like you made a few decisions to move or pass on a few of them.

  3. What treasures you found!! Cynthia at Quilting is More Fun than Housework is having her Quilty Orphan Adoption this weekend, if you feel the need to get rid of some projects. I'm off to the studio to see what I can find, as I like to participate if possible.
