Saturday, September 1, 2018

new rainbow color

Today is the first day of the month, and the first I learned the new color of blue for the rainbow scrap challenge. I don't have anything to share yet in that color. I did make 2 flying geese of leftover in orange and put the oranges away for another time.

I have a picture of the design wall which I enjoy every time I walk through that hallway.

I have decided to hang a few of my project blocks from hangers over doors. It keeps them together and where I can see them to remember them. I have misplaced the red squared away blocks and I don't want that to happen again. And I like the shot of color as I walk into my sewing room.

I am linking to

Oh Scrap


  1. Super idea to keep them all out like that--Love that orange strippy block.............
    and those little pastel birch trees are just adorable(I want to do some of those with a Wintery theme...) hugs for a Happy Labor Day weekend Julierose

  2. What a great idea with the hangers, to keep the blocks and the pattern together! I loved the peek at your busy design wall, too!

  3. I see that you have one of Amanda Jean Nyberg’s patterns, Bright Birch Trees, under construction. I’ve done one and love that pattern! That would make a good RSC project! Good idea about hanging your WIPs.

  4. The display of all your blocks is very bright and fun. Hope you managed to fit in some dark blue stitching this weekend.

  5. I have to keep my blocks out where I can see them or I lose them too. Great idea to hang them on hangers. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  6. Your design wall is full of so much scrappy happiness.
