Sunday, July 7, 2019

stash report July 7, 2019

I haven't done a stash report in a while. I have been moving and sorting and folding fabric in an attempt to organize my space. I have come to realize I have been blessed with really great fabric. I have received some great scraps from other quilters. However, if I don't stay on top of it, I will be overrun with chaos. But, what a wonderful chaos it is.

These pieces were gifted to me when the quilter was done with her quilt. I think they are lovely together.

I think this vintage doily that I found in the box would make a great label for the back of a quilt.

Stash report 

Fabric Used this Week 26 yards
Fabric Used year to Date: 162.25 yards

Fabric Added this Week: 2 yards
Fabric Added Year to Date: 117.25 yards
net fabric: 45 yards used more than bought

I have been at the sewing machine at least 15 minutes each day. The day is not complete without it.

I have moved most of my quilting books to the new cabinets. And I am slowly filling the cabinets with fabric.

Today I have a binding to do for slow Sunday stitching.

I am linking to:

sunday stash at quiltpaintcreate

15 min to stitch at life in pieces


  1. Those greens are really pretty together! I feel the same way about a day not feeling complete without some time in the sewing room. Hope you've enjoyed some of that today!

  2. Nice job on the reorganization project!!

  3. You've got to LOVE gifted fabric!! I totally understand the chaos that can go along with those gifts. Nice idea for that antique hankie!!

  4. The shelves look great! Also love the doily.

  5. New shelves are looking great! Congratulations on stitching every day. Such beautiful fabrics, you are so lucky.

  6. Yes I have arrived at the chaos stage!
    Enjoy your binding!

  7. I want your cabinets! LOL You are doing a great job of reducing stash AND stitching. Congratulations!

  8. It's so nice to be able to see all your fabrics in one place, such a pretty display (though I'd be tempted to pull out bits and pieces to play with.
