Monday, July 22, 2019

fabric storage

I am home again from surgery. I had a spinal fusion from the lumbar 2 - Lumbar 5. I think I am getting better every day. There have been a few steps back as well, but forward is the best. My mind still thinks I am normal. But, My body laughs. I sure appreciate all the good wishes and prayers. I took a picture of my new shelves just before I had to stop working on it, as a place holder in time. And to keep a positive thought. I feel very blessed.

I also really worked hard to get this quilt to the hand binding stage for after surgery. We are still at the crossed eye stage of pain management. We can only watch those shows that I don't want to remember.

I am linking to:


  1. Glad to hear you are on the road to recovery! I hope each day does continue to get better. Your fabric storage shelves look wonderful!

  2. I hope you heal fast - I'm not sure what this surgery entails but it doesn't sound like fun! Take it easy

  3. Listen to your body. Everything can wait until you've recovered!!

  4. Happy for you that your surgery is over. I hope you continue on your path of good healing.

  5. Hope you are feeling better every day. Just take it easy and heal! The quilting will wait.

  6. Best wishes for a speedy recovery! Though take your time so everything heals "right"... It was a great idea to take a pic of your fabric stash! That would be a "positive thought" for me as well! :-) I love what you said..."My mind still thinks I am normal, but my body laughs! "....I can relate! :-)

  7. Hope your recovery is going well and you've already moved on to shows you'd like to remember.
