Monday, July 1, 2019

fabric storage

I am very excited about a big change in my fabric storage. My Hubby, son and Grandson turned this

into this

Oh, what fun it will be to fill those shelves. I used Ikea billy bookcases, and I splurged on the glass doors. What I have been using, is a hodge podge of goodwill bookcases. I have lost a lot of room with shorter bookcases. I liked these because they almost go to the ceiling. They are really lovely to behold. I almost don't want to mess them up with fabric.

It's the first of July already and time to reassess my goals for the month.
1. I want to finish allietare. It is on the long arm and ready to quilt.

2. I want to finish en provence in reproduction fabrics. It is a top and ready to make a back and quilt.

3. I want to make my swap blocks
4. I want to keep current on my rainbow scrap challenge projects.

I am linking to:


  1. I like the glass doors on those shelves! keep the dust out for sure. What a great idea

  2. This is a great idea. Going up is better than going out because it saves your floor space.

  3. Your bookcases look fabulous with space for everything including a mischievous looking grandson!

  4. Oooooh! I'm envious. What wonderful storage. Tell that grandson, he's the best!

  5. LOL, I was al excited to see your beautiful dresser drawers! But even better is the cutie filling that bottom shelf of your new bookcases.

  6. lovely quilts and cute photo of your grandson. Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and good luck with your project.

  7. Good luck on your goals Good for you for wanting to get some UFOs done. I may need to make the one big Bonnie Hunter mystery UFO to a OMG sometime. But it'll take at least two as I don't have the top done. Hope you succeed on these goals! And, wow! I love your shelving. Don't forget to show it to us when it is full.

  8. Hi again Maggie! Oh, that shot with your grandson in the bookcase is just precious. You'll have to print out that photo to keep you smiling as you fill your new shelves, and later as you peruse them. ~smile~ Roseanne

  9. Love your new shelves and um your grandson additional stash. He is a cutie

  10. Ahhh....those are some sweet shelves for your fabric! When I move to my "forever home"....I will certainly look into putting these in my sewing room as well! Your Grandson sure is a silly guy! :-)

  11. Beautiful shelving for your sewing room! I have multiple tall cabinets in my room, and you'll love these. I haven't finished my Allietare either. Yours will be beautiful, and the En Provence too. I look forward to seeing them finished!

  12. Nice bookcases! And I don't think you will be able to fit any fabric in them especially with that little cutie in there. Don't you just love grandchildren1

  13. Oh those bookcases are to die for!!!!!!!!

  14. Beautiful bookcases! And a unique spot for a grandson to be - he won't fit in that space very long, they grow up so quickly. Thanks for linking up with Design Wall Monday, Judy.

  15. Good luck with your July goals. Very cool fabric storage option.

  16. Your shelving space will be wonderful. Too bad your grandson will have to come out occasionally to eat. He is darling.

  17. I love your Billy cabinets! I can not wait to see them filled with your stash. The photo of your grandson is a perfect topper!
