Sunday, July 28, 2019

A little rainbow sewing

I have been feeling better every day, still, not very chatty. Yesterday,  I sat and sewed one seam in my sewing room. I have enjoyed looking through the pink scraps. I made a pink crayon, and 4 patches for woven checkerboard.

I had the chance to cut the alphabet letters that I needed in pink for the quote quilt. Once, I feel like really sewing again, it shouldn't take long to make them.

I am linking to:
rsc19 super saturday


  1. Those are going to be pretty pink letters! Glad your recuperation is progressing well!

  2. Glad you're back on the right track -- sewing track as well as getting better. Cheers to looking on the bright side!

  3. Good luck on your recovery.dont overdo.

  4. Looking forward to your PINK letters once you are feeling up to more sewing!!
