Monday, March 3, 2025

tiny tuesday sampler one monthly goal

 I have decided to make tiny Tuesday quilt my one monthly goal for March. The top is together, and I am making the borders. I started this in 2019 as a QAL for the rainbow scrap challenge. I made all the blocks and put it away in the ufo closet. As part of the 5 quilt project last year, I brought it out to finish it. I added more blocks to make it bigger. I decided on a border that I am currently working to complete. I hope by the end of March, I will have it finished. I'm sorry these are not new pictures but there has not been any new other than the mess I am making LOL. Wish me luck


The blocks were designed by the academic quilter

Sunday, March 2, 2025

stash report March 2, 2025

stash report March 2, 2025 

I did stop at Joanns to see what was going on sale. It was mostly 20% off. In 60 years of sewing I have never paid 80% on anything at Joanns. That is why I loved it. Until the last couple of years when there wasn't any bargains or real coupons and incompetent employees. So, sadly, I didn't buy anything. I hear it is 40% now, maybe another look.

stash report March 2, 2025

fabric added this week: 0 yards

 fabric added year to date for 2025: 11 yards

fabric used: 0 yards 

fabric used year to date for 2025: 14 1/2 yards  

3 1/2 yards used more than bought in 2025 still ahead but getting close- no real changes

I sewed 4 days last week. Trying to get back in my groove.

With the new year, I am restarting an applique project - across the wide missourri-  I decided to start on the daisies. I hope I get better at this. My fingers are not as nimble as they used to be.

I am linking: