Sunday, March 23, 2025

stash report March 23, 2025

I decided to donate an older ufo kit with all the pieces to the guild. I am still digging through piles. We have a guild quilt show in April and I want to unload some projects I will never get to making.


 stash report March 23, 2025 

fabric added this week: 0 yards

 fabric added year to date for 2025: 14 yards

fabric used: 2 yards

fabric used year to date for 2025: 46 1/2 yards  

32 1/2 yards used more than bought in 2025 

I sewed 6 days last week. includes an open sew - Maybe I will get back in the groove

With the new year, I am restarting an applique project - across the wide missourri-  This is the second daisy. I am working on the third. Note to self don't applique with wovens. They are thready and the stitches show more. The fabrics are part of the kit.

good thing it is supposed to look primitive

I am linking:


  1. I think I have the small square printed panel that goes with the large one. Very wise to clean out what you've decided not to start/finish. Congrats on a full sewing week. Hopefully that means lots of progress.

  2. It feels good to move those projects out. I have been selling somethings on Marketplace which also feels good.

  3. Starching your fabrics may help, happy stitching!

  4. Great idea to donate old kits taking up room in your stash to your guild show. Chuckled over your note to self to not appliqué with woven fabric. My note to self is closer to not appliqué by hand. :)

  5. Our guild show is in May, and I am gathering up things I will never use or do and we have a consignment store we can use. I made over $200 last year.

  6. Such a lovely little daisy in the works. Happy quilting.
