Sunday, March 16, 2025

stash report March16, 2025

I restarted sorting through fabric. I donated 1 yard and found some great neutrals that were buried.


stash report March16, 2025 

fabric added this week: 0 yards

 fabric added year to date for 2025: 14 yards

fabric used: 16 yards-  quilt finish


fabric used year to date for 2025: 44 1/2 yards  

30 1/2 yards used more than bought in 2025 

I sewed 4 days last week. includes a friday group sew

With the new year, I am restarting an applique project - across the wide missourri-  I added another daisy and a leaf


  1. Using plaids in the flower is really fine!

  2. I would like to see some of the other applique you've done with Across the Wide Missouri. Is homespun hard to stitch, does it fray easily? Happy stitching!

  3. It's always fun to find new neutrals already in the stash. Congrats on all the progress so far this month.

  4. I love that finished quilt. Enjoy working on your applique!

  5. Lovely neutrals, it was a great discovery! Your appliqué project is coming along nicely, pretty new daisy! Thank you for sharing and linking up, bravo for the finished quilt!
