Monday, March 10, 2025

cutting scraps

One of my monthly goals for the 5 quilt project is to spend one day a month cutting scraps. My pile of scraps has grown, and I need to reclaim the fabric and space. I decided to take it with me to my Friday quilt group and play with the scraps with social, fun, company. I also thought it would be easier than hauling my sewing machine. Nope, the scraps were just as heavy as my machine. I took a 10 in square template and a 5 x 14 inch template. I took all the littler ones as well - 4 1/2, 3 1/2, 2 1/2 x 14, 2, and 1 1/2. Many of my scraps are gifted to me, each one is a surprise. 

Sometimes, I didn't cut charm squares and left them the whole length. The same with the 3 1/2 inch. If a 2 1/2 inch strip was less than 10, I cut squares. I gave away a hunk of floral and a piece of vintage. And I threw away a few - gasp. The bag was almost empty when I left.
What I brought home weighed 2 pounds and 13 ounces = 8 1/2 yards of useable scrappy fabric. The hard part is putting it away in the proper containers...sigh

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