Saturday, January 6, 2018

A Christmas challenge

Jo of Jo's Country junction has offered a block of the month challenge on Saturdays at her blog. I have no trouble finding a few block of the month projects that I have let slide into the abyss of UFOS to work at completing. The one I want to focus on first is a Christmas Block of the month from a LQS.
I signed up for a block of the month about 40 miles from home several years ago. The sign up fee was 15.00  for all the fabric we would need, and we received a hunk of jelly roll strips and a hunk of 5 inch squares in Christmas colors. Our job was to attend a meeting every Saturday, and they would give us a spiel about new fabrics and new tools in the shop, and if we brought our completed block to the meeting, the next pattern was free.. It seemed well worth the expense, and I was convinced I would have no trouble attending the Saturday meeting. After all I am a responsible person. Gosh, I hated that drive....I have 7 blocks completed. I think I will need 12 before I can think about what to do with them.

 There were several different kits, so I am inclined to think it was their way of cleaning out their scrap bins. We didn't get to choose, they came in paper bags. I liked the colors, but felt that there was a lot of darks.
 There were no instructions in my box, so I have misplaced them. And I didn't attend the last few meetings. Everything was made using 2 1/2 inch thangles. So I can just make my own assortment of triangles and call it good.

Today is the rainbow scrap challenge at super scrappy. The color for January is light blue.

I started with my 2 1/2 inch strip bin and cut for a quilt called soul searching. My blue bin still won't close, so using the lighter blues was a blessing.

I cut the pieces at my Friday sew group. It didn't take long before I had one ginormous block ready to go.

After  working on On ringo lake the pieces and the block seemed huge. I think I am really going to like this quilt. And Elvis has made an appearance LOL

I don't know where it comes from. I am winging it from a picture I saw on a blog.
I am linking to
 SewCan She

 and Jo's country junction


  1. I love the Elvis. Hope you can make some more progress on your blue bin. Such a pretty color. No wonder we all have so much of it.

  2. That is a great block! Perfect for scraps!

  3. Soul Searching makes for a wonderful RSC quilt. With the state of your BLUE bin, maybe you should make an entire quilt!! :o))

  4. I love your blue block. I'm due glad that Elvis made an appearance in your block this week. I'm sure it would give Michael G a big grin.
