Wednesday, January 3, 2018

6 and 6 and one monthly goal

We are finally up in the double digits outside but our thermostat won't rise above 66 - sigh... and a flat tire sigh....
I have finished clue 6 of On ringo lake quiltville mystery quilt. I used 10- 3 1/2 inch strips cut with my accuquilt die and the essential triangle tool to make the coral triangles. I didn't have any trimming to do since each of the pieces were accurate ( for a change).

I wanted to make a list for my One monthly goal at Elm street quilts.

For the month of January, I am hoping to cut out a turtle quilt.

and add borders and quilt the butterfly quilt that I have had for a few years.

There is a new ufo challenge -6 and 6 challenge at pomegranate and chintz
January is something new which will be the turtle quilt.

6  new
turtle quilt
jared's space quilt
vintage embroidery with gingham
tokoyo subway
portage lake

6 old
BOM christmas from always in stitches
carolina crossroads
quiltville mystery quilts
marie webster
On ringo lake

I see how this can run concurrently with the other challenges I hope to do.
I want to do the scrap attack at confessions of a fabric addict. Most of my goals involve scraps so I am good to go for project ideas.

I am linking to:


midweek makers

Jo's Country Junction UFO
Bee Social
Silly Mama WIP


  1. wow!
    sorry about your furnace...I hear you about cold weather...
    love your monthly goals!!

    thanks for linking up!

  2. That turtle quilt is so cute. Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and good luck with your project.

  3. The turtle quilt is super cute, and the butterflies are super pretty. :)

  4. The turtle is indeed a cute pattern. Wow you sure are taking on a lot. Good luck on all.

  5. You've been busy! So happy my turtle quilt is on your bucket list - it's one of my favorites! I'll be sure to watch your progress, and post about it - thanks for sharing!

  6. Multitasking is smart and a fun way to participate in many things. Good luck with your goals. Thanks for being part of the linky party on behalf of the 2018 FAL hosts
