Friday, March 10, 2017

Swirls and socks

I finally worked on s backlog of customer quilts. It has been a few weeks since I have wanted to even turn the machine on to quilt. I had all kinds of excuses and better things to do. This quilt I knew was a charity quilt and she was really in no hurry to have it done. But, our guild's quilt show is this summer, and there are quilters thinking ahead and want to book their quilts. Sigh... so it's time to get back to it. This quilt went very well with the pattern I chose. But, 4 inches and I ran out of bobbin thread. - 4 inches!

I like the look of circles and swirls when the quilt is mostly straight lines. It makes me happy.

It makes a plain pattern sing with texture.
I have finished one scrappy sock.

I am linking to:
Finished or Not Fridays
Whoop Whoop

Fort Worth Fabric Studio


  1. You're so right about the swirly quilting making the plain patchwork sing - looks great!

  2. That is a fabulous quilting motif. And I love your scrappy sock. Thanks for linking up to TGIFF!

  3. I love your scrappy sock. Also like your choice of swirly panto on your quilt. What is the name of that one?

  4. The texture really does bring the quilt to life.
