Tuesday, March 14, 2017

gathering with Mary Kerr

The gathering of quilters is an annual quilt event as part of our Indiana state quilt guild. Every year a different guild in the state coordinates and hosts it. This year it was in Warsaw Indiana at a middle school. Our 20.00 admission included a catered box lunch, a nice goodie bag and a speaker. There were vendors and a small quilt display. I enjoyed it. Our speaker this year was Mary Kerr. She is an AQS certified  appraiser, author, historian, and award winning quilter. She has a website here. I didn't recognize the name, but I recognized her work. I have a few photos on my trello inspiration board. She shared her idea of taking old worn out vintage quilts and making new quilts out of them. I bought her book Twisted.
I have the same sense of trying to save the old and broken quilts as Mary does, I just haven't done anything yet. I have a small collection of vintage linens and quilt tops.I have a couple of cutter quilts that I can't bear to cut, so her presentation was very interesting to me.
I'm not sure how I saw her work and put it on my inspiration boards, but I love these.

I am linking to:
Fiber Tuesday
Free Motion by the River


  1. How cool is that? I love the ideas.

  2. I was also at the Gathering and thought the Whitley County Quilters did a wonderful job! I thoroughly enjoyed Mary's presentation and quilts. I hadn't ever heard of her before, but then, I don't know most of the big name quilters. She is also going to be at the Sauder Quilt show in May. I hope to pick up some of her other books there.
