Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Pink Hourglasses

I found time to finish adding the pink hourglasses to my leader/ ender challenge. I am pretty pleased. Joining them together at the corners is challenging, but I find them looking good over all, even if they aren't perfect.
the next round is green.
I couldn't wait to put some together. And a time warp later, I had a this - so fun
All my blocks have been delivered to me from my swap partners. I am the hold out needing to make the last of the neutral blocks to send. I think I need 160 or more to divide and send. So, it was a pleasure to take time off making the hourglasses, and just put them together.
Fancy Forest is off the frame and ready for binding with 3 days left in the month. I can make it.

At our January guild meeting, some of the older ladies were asking how everyone gets their quilts finished. They don't have money to send them to be quilted. Most of them have trouble getting them basted and even to quilt on a domestic sewing machine. I know I couldn't do the floor thing myself, so I mentioned that  longarmers can just baste a quilt for them for a minimal charge. Well, someone took me up on the offer. And no one else jumped in to volunteer. So, I have that finished in time to return that to her at guild tonight. I don't mind helping when I can. However, she didn't have her back prepared, so I needed to sew that together. I will kindly teach her how to do that when I take it to her.

I am linking to:
Fiber Tuesday

Free Motion by the River


  1. I really love this. and it's been on my must-do next list, which I'm having a hard time getting it's turn. You have a good start on yours.

  2. Your hour glass blocks look very Spring at the moment.

  3. They look beautiful! I love how you mix the colors. Have a nive weekend!
