Tuesday, March 7, 2017


It's been a rough week. Funny how I tend to cook and clean when there is family drama. If I wanted a clean house I should instigate more of it ... not.
I made a yummy loaf of homemade bread.
I started it in the bread machine and finished it old school. I found the recipe here. Part of the process was deciding whether or not I need to get rid of the bread machine, so I sabotaged the decision by making bread to see if I would use it. The bread was wonderful. sigh....

I have been knitting in the evening a scrappy pair of socks. So I am gathering the remnants of yarn. And then I bought some more - that ought to help deplete the stash..... not. Love the socks though.
I have dusted, vacuumed, and mopped - a sure sign that something is wrong.
I am linking to:
Fiber Tuesday
Free Motion by the River


  1. Hope the family drama resolves itself quickly and with the best possible outcome. At least you did something productive with the stress and worry.

  2. Family drama can be so stressful! I pray everything works out. I clean when I'm stressed, too. Sometimes my house is VERY clean.

    Your yarn scraps are beautiful.....sometimes God can take used up old scraps and make something beautiful. I remember this chorus from so long ago:
    Something beautiful, Something good,
    All my confusion
    You understood.

    When all I had to offer You
    was brokenness and doubt,
    You made something beautiful
    of my life.

    Blessings to you, My Friend
