Saturday, March 4, 2023

girlie garden progress

Here is as far as I could get with my pink bonus rainbow scrap challenge at so scrappy for February. I cut the blocks from the strip sets....

I sliced them twice on the diagonal to make triangles.

The plan was to go as far as I could by the end of the month, and get back to my regularly scheduled program. But, I don't think I can do that. I can smell a finish, and, I may want to keep going. My rsc projects are quicker this year than usual, and, I may leave it for March bonus time. My head is still talking about it.

I am linking to:


  1. Sometimes we need to go with what the brain and heart want us to work on! Looking forward to seeing how this one turns out!

  2. Leader/Ender the GREEN in with the finishing of the pink, Maggie. That way you will get BOTH projects taken care of. Win-win! :o))

  3. Just the triangles look pretty! No wonder they are calling to you. Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.

  4. Oh my! Wonder what's next for the pink strippy triangles!!??
