Saturday, September 3, 2022

fish and crown

I did a head count of the fish blocks for the year and I have 190 which is about half of what I need. I have the colors ready to cut from this years rainbow scrap challenge at so scrappy. I think I will set this aside until next year and start making blocks. I bought the pattern kismet from quiltville of her fish quilt, and, will use that as my pattern for the top.

oops I have a fish swimming in the wrong direction - silly fish

I finished the orange crown blocks for last month. and, I have 22 more of them to do for the top I want to make. Looks like this will be next years project for rsc as well. Although, I can still use black and brown this year, it won't be enough. Am I the only one thinking about next year already? I have 1 new project planned.


  1. Seems you are well on your way to 2023's RSC quilt. :) I confess I have been playing with ideas for next year, too.

  2. Your fish blocks looks like a lot of fun. The crown blooks are beautiful. I am thinking about next year projects and RSC blocks too. There are so many things on my wish to do list.

  3. I love those fish blocks - they can make lots of neat designs! No, you're not the only one who's already thinking about new blocks for next year. There are so many fun ideas!

  4. Wow, that will be a big kettle of fish! The blocks are so cute and scrappy. I love the crown ones, too.

  5. Love all your scrappy blocks. The pink fish on the right has a fin problem you might want to fix. Photos are always so helpful to better see things like that. Thanks for linking up with Oh Scrap!

  6. Hte crown blocks are so cool
    and heck no! I am always planning too many things haha!!
    you will do fine!!!!

  7. I seriously doubt you are the only one thinking about next year already! Your fish blocks are fun - check the pink one, though.

  8. Love how your are already thinking about next year! That must be how you get so much done. Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.

  9. Your 2023 RSC quilt is going to be fun! Nice to have a lot of projects on the go ;)
    Thank you for sharing!
