Saturday, September 10, 2022

hole and candy

I have all the blocks I need to make this rainbow project into a top. I have really enjoyed making this. I liked using my smallest pieces to make the string rectangles into something useful. By using the rainbow scrap challenge at so scrappy. the colors are bright and happy. I have moved them to a box of their own and plan to take them with me to open sews for assembly.

I was one block short of having all the blocks I need for the candy quilt. I felt I needed a chocolate in there someplace.

This block has been fun to make as well. The string centers are 4 1/2 inches and the borders are 2 1/2 inches. I have boxed them for assembly as a portable project.


  1. Love the addition of the chocolate candy to the bunch. I remember those dolls....

  2. Yummy candy blocks! A chocolate one is definitely a must have ;) Beautiful RSC blocks too, it feels so good to have enough for a top! I like these tiny scraps into the string rectangles.
    Thank you for sharing your colorful blocks, and linking up ;)

  3. I love your blocks! The candy blocks is on my RSC list as a contender. Maybe next year. Thanks for sharing the sizes you used. ;^)

  4. I love your crumb candy blocks! Thanks for mentioning your dimensions for them. Putting those on my list for the new year!

  5. Of course you had to make chocolate - everyone needs a chocolate or two, or three!

  6. Fabulous hole in the barn door blocks, and delicious candy ones! Of course you had to include chocolate!

  7. Such cute blocks! And of course you had to add Chocolate!
    What pretty quilts they will make. Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.
