Friday, May 27, 2022

One monthly goal fail

 I had as my May one monthly goal, an older ufo. I have no idea how to finish this little quilt. I have procrastinated and procrastinated. That is why I am making it my one monthly goal or I will never see this finished. 

Well, I did not finish. The 26th of May I said to myself - oops time is up. So, I did sew one piece to the side, and then, wondered why it had taken so long. sigh...

Maybe now that the thread is cut and the needle is threaded I can make a little progress on it. sigh

My Grandmother's rose bush has started to bloom. My Grandmother was a cute, little, old gardener. At least, that is my memory of her. Even in her 90s she would love to sit in the middle of the garden and start weeding. I started my first garden when I was 12 and she was there. She loved flowers and I was more inclined to food. I was 15 when she passed away and I dug up her rose bush and brought it with me into my adult life. One year there was no sign of it, and I was upset, but, it has come back and is ready to make me smile again.

I am linking to:


  1. This UFO is so pretty, I can't wait to see it finished and quilted. I'm sure you think of your grandmother every time you see the rose bush. My maternal grandfather was the gardener in their family. I dug up ferns and brought them along with me when I married. I think of Grandpa Miller every time I see the ferns and I can picture the fern flowerbed on the north side of their house. Happy stitching!

  2. Beautiful colors in the quilt. We are all so busy, I've had to start sewing more in the evening because my days are filled.

  3. maybe it just needed to ferment a little longer haha!

  4. Good luck on getting that lovely quilt to the finish line!
    And the rose bush is such a lovely memorial to grandmother. How fortunate you are to have such wonderful memories and a rose bush too.

  5. I love the palette of your UFO. I hope you enjoy working on it. Thank you for linking up with me for TGIFF.

  6. I love the palette of the UFO. I hope you enjoy working on it. Thank you for linking up with me for TGIFF.

  7. I'm a One Monthly Goal failure for this month! But progress has been made and that is the actual goal I suppose! Lovely story about your rose bush and gardening with your grandma!

  8. I love the color palette you're using for this quilt. That's a lot of hand piecing. Slow and steady, it may take awhile but you'll eventually get it done. And the result will definitely be worth it.

  9. That is such a sweet quilt design and I love the colors! You'll figure out a finish! My mom was quite a gardener at one time, and I've always wanted to grow roses because of her. I love the story about your rose bush!

  10. Procrastinating is something we have in common. Sometimes it goes on too long for me and nothing gets done. You will finish it and it will be beautiful, I have faith. Thank you for linking up to Put your foot down.
