Friday, May 20, 2022

snail pace

I have finished 10 snails trail blocks. It has taken awhile since I only sew these when I need therapeutic sewing. I have been away from the sewing machine for so long, I hoped it would help me get back into the mood. And, it did. But I seem to be busy with other priorities right now.

I am using recycled shirts as fabric for these blocks. I have 33 ready so far.

I have one lonely little easy breezy as a leader/ender, with these blocks.

I made strawberry jam and strawberry pie filling. yummy
I used the low sugar sure jell

I am linking to:


  1. I feel you on being distracted with other things now. I’m workin on snail trail blocks too when I manage to get in the sewing room. So much fun to sew!

  2. I just love anything made with plaids and/or recycled shirts. And I also love anything made with strawberries. Yummy stuff here today!

  3. Hi Maggie! I was all ready with a comment on the blocks until I saw you strawberry jam. OMG! That looks DELICIOUS. Did you know I just finished up my jar of jam this week? I'm new to the peanut butter and jelly thing - I never had it before until this year. Anyhoo - I would gladly be a taste tester if I lived closer! YUM! And your snail's tail blocks are just the perfect choice for that shirting fabric. Thanks for linking up at TGIFF today. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

  4. Those snail trail blocks look terrific! --TerryK

  5. Love your recycled fabrics on these blocks, so cool! Strawberry jam looks delicious. have a great week, Maggie.

  6. Yes, the mood has to be there. There ARE so many distractions. I've promised myself I will sew 15 minutes a day to try to keep my mojo going and it's working. Snails trail blocks were the first I ever made when I started quilting. They were 20" squares and I made 2 to make a pillow. Like yours with the shirt material - nice idea!

  7. My first blocks were Snails Trail - I made two 20" ones for a pillow. Nice idea to use shirts.
