I found these lovilies in a scrap bucket I am trying to tame. I am not sure why a piece of yardage was in the bucket, unless there was a mass cleanup and everything went into a bucket. The rest of the scrap bucket had mostly really small pieces.
I sorted the scraps into piles of pieces that were big enough to cut of 10 in, 5 inch, strips, and chunks. I've only recently started cutting 10 inch pieces.
only 1 piece at least 10 inches.
After I cut the 10 inch piece I threw the left and right pieces into the strip pile.
stash report January 16, 2022
fabric added -0000000yards still haven't bought any! or brought home any scraps - a new record
fabric added year to date -0000000yards
fabric used 22 yards -hourglass leader/ ender finish
fabric used year to date 30 yards
30 yards used more than bought. I am starting the year ahead on using fabric.
I sewed at least an hour every morning last week. It was good to get back to my projects after a few weeks of the flu.
I finally worked on vivians rug and I did the peach color to the bottom left. By my count, I have done everyone's rug, so, I just wait until mine comes home to work on the background and border. I have another rug ready to start, so I might work on that first, or when I am bored with my sheep rug.
vivians rug - I am the peach |