Tuesday, December 8, 2020

to do: flower hooking

I haven't been to rug hooking in a while. The pandemic, my hubby's retirement, and feeling behind has left me wanting to stay home. I had already decided, that, I didn't want to cart my big project (snowmen) out of the house any more. I picked a smaller, easier to carry project to take with me, when I go. I took a class last year for this project. And, I would like to see it move along..... I need to go to rug hooking.  And today is the day.

my work so far

the class sample

another classmate's work

I am linking to:


  1. That is a pretty design, Maggie! Looks like you've made great progress on it, too.

  2. Hi,
    Your Flower block is so pretty. Have a great day!

  3. Hi Maggie! Wow - that is going to be so pretty when you finish it. It looks much smaller than the snowman rug - much more portable. Thanks for linking up today! ~smile~ Roseanne

  4. Very pretty! It's a nice to change from quilting, happy stitching!

  5. How pretty! I am doing some hand stitching to rest from so much sewing lately.

  6. Very pretty! Hopefully you made really good progress on it this week.
