Friday, October 30, 2020

postage stamp blocks

 I have had a lot of fun making postage stamp psp20 blocks with 1 1/2 inch squares. Many of my print squares were a gift from a great quilting friend. So, I get a smile every time I start a new block. I went through a little bag of scraps, and, every time I found a piece big enough for the solid color, I cut for the postage stamp block. I think I will have a lot of red blocks. It's amazing how many shades of red I have found hiding in the scrap piles.

And, for next year, I splurged, and bought, a colorful honey bun to make more of these blocks. If it sits long enough on my sewing table, it will become scraps, right? for my scrappy psp quilt, right? oh, but, the colors......

I'm linking to:



  1. Nice purchase! Will look fabulous with the rest of the blocks!

  2. the postage stamp blocks are so colorful! and yes!! if the honey bun sits there long enough.... it can be scraps haha

  3. Those are looking fun, and love the view of your rainbow honey bun! So appealing!

  4. If it sits there at all it might get used in something else! I will probably need to buy some solids to make mine too. I actually had to look up Honey Bun because I didn't know what it was. Who knew they sold 1.5 inch strips of fabric!!

    Don't you just love making those blocks? There's something very yoga like about pushing little bits of fabric through the sewing machine. And it's funny what will sometimes show up in a little square of fabric.

  5. This is going to be such a lovely quilt, go ahead and use the honey bun and don't feel guilty. Fabric is fabric no matter how long we've had it. Happy stitching!

  6. Love your Postage Stamp blocks! I've made a P.S. top out of 7" x 2" strips, sewn together and cross cut. Great fun.

  7. I am enjoying my Postage Stamp blocks too. They sure do use up those tiny bits. Thanks for linking up with Oh Scrap!
