Saturday, October 31, 2020

more yellow


Hubby and I decided to make a pumpkin this year. Our hands won't do the whole carving bit.

I have the 2 yellow rows I need for my row x row quilt finished. Not too exciting, but, progress. It looks nice with autumn leaves.

And this is why we don't wash scraps....

I had to wash them, hubby found them in a bag in the garage. I don't know how they got there, or where I had them. They smelled musty and gross. Most of them were big pieces. but, there were smaller pieces, too. Now, I have a giant puzzle to make unravel.

Today, I will be showing my quilt guild how to make the shine quilt in a workshop. I enjoy sharing with other quilters. Oh, I bet it would be fun to have a costume, hmmmm, I sure haven't done that in a long while. I wonder if I have time...

My rainbow projects for 2020 with links:

 Irish chain
row by row
scraptastic star
country road
and now
postage stamp psp20

I am linking to:

rsc20 super saturday
oh scrap
UFO busting


  1. Love the pumpkin! So cute. Good luck unravelling those scraps! Even if you loose a lot in the frayed edges, something good will still come out of all of that mess.

  2. Fun pumpkin! You're making good progress with your chevrons. It's a pity about those scraps, but that was the only remedy, I think, for the musty smell. At least you put them in laundry bags or the tangle would have been worse.

  3. Your pumpkin is so cute - and a great idea to decorate it that way instead of carving! The yellow zigzags are looking happy, too!

  4. I hate the mess that happens when you wash pieces of fabric, I’ve tried all the different hints. None are fool proof. Hope you find a costume! And share a photo! 😄

  5. Great pumpkin! My Mom just draws a face on hers with a sharpie and adds a hat. Hope the workshop went well... and did you dress up?

  6. Congrats on getting your YELLOW zig zag rows done and good luck unraveling that thread-y mess of scraps!!

  7. Your pumpkin made me laugh out loud! Great idea. And I love the yellow zigzag rows. They brighten up all the other colors when you put them together. Sometimes I wash smaller scraps by hand in the kitchen sink, but usually I just deal with the thread monster. Good luck!

  8. Super cute pumpkin!! Oh, my! Look at that tangle - that'll occupy you for a good TV sit down!

  9. Your chevron rows of yellow! Yellow makes everything seem so cheerful, doesn't' it? Ugh on dismantling the washed fabrics. Once it's done, you'll be happy you have them.

  10. I haven't met a Zig Zag quilt that I didn't like! So pretty. Sorry about the squishy mess of scraps. At least they'll smell better!
