Saturday, October 24, 2020

a bit of sunshine

I didn't do much yellow sewing for the rainbow scrap challenge. I have scraptastic star and the row x row to do yet. I cut the pieces for the row x row. I needed 104 each of yellow and white.

I chain stitched them together in groups of ten, in between other sewing. It gets a little boring otherwise.

I trimmed them each evening. They didn't need much trimming, but, I wasn't taking any chances.

Then I pressed them.

 I did sew 4 together.

Why didn't I do more? I was working to finish this quilt

patriotic boxy stars

My rainbow projects for 2020 with links:


  1. Gorgeous!!!! Boxy Stars is beautiful! The patriotic stars look like they're exploding!

  2. I do the same thing when I need a lot of HSTs...a little here and a little there and before I know it I have a pile and was never bored making all of them.

  3. You're making happy yellow zigzags, too! They are good for leader/ender sewing - that's how I sewed mine, too. Your patriotic boxy star is beautiful - nice finish!

  4. Patriotic Boxy Stars is fabulous! Well done!

  5. Congrats on sewing up a few some HSTs in YELLOW while finishing up your lovely Boxy Stars quilt, Maggie! Nice work.

  6. Congratulations on the Patriotic Boxy Stars quilt, and on your scrappy yellow blocks too!

  7. What a great finish it is, too! You did a wonderful job. Those yellow zig zags are looking great.

  8. Yellow is such a pretty colour... great work.
