Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Jamestown landing rows

I have made progress on Jamestown landing - a Bonnie Hunter pattern. I am sewing this top together as part of my one monthly goal and PHD2020.  I took a class in Bloomington with Bonnie Hunter in March 2013. And, it has been in the block stage since then. I worked on it after I got home, and then it stalled.
I do not like string piecing. I prefer crumb piecing, so, I made the decision to switch the string blocks with my crumb blocks. I am not sure if I will be sorry, yet. I really like revisiting some of my favorite blue scraps, and, there are some that were traded at the workshop.

This pattern is in her book string fling. Some of the HSTS are not coming together right - it was 7 years ago, and my sewing has improved a bit. I am taking a few apart, and, getting better results. But, some will just have to stay that way, as it shows where I was in my sewing at the time. If, I do a row a day, and, then, a sashing row a day, I should have the top done by the end of the month.

I am linking:

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