Monday, December 23, 2019

weekend strings

I have this pile of scraps, on the floor, near the treadle sewing machine, again. I wanted to get it sewn up and gone before the end of the weekend. I don't think it will make the room feel Christmasy at all.
I have started another wonky courthouse steps from Bonnie Hunter. I think I could make 10 with my collection of strings and crumbs. My first one isn't quilted yet.

Even after a sewing spree, the pile didn't go away until I threw what is left in a bag and hid it in a basket. sigh.... but I did sew a few blocks together.

I have 20 more blocks sewn, pressed, and trimmed for a total of 50.

I have another 5 ready to trim.

I am linking:


  1. that should use up a few scraps but I understand - my scraps never go away

  2. A good way to use up strings. I'm hoping to do a little (or big) string quilt in 2020. (Of course I do have a ton of UFOs going into next year and a lot of plans to start new projects.) But maybe I can squeeze in some string work.

  3. Lots of fun color and pattern to enjoy!

  4. What a productive weekend!! Lots of string-y goodness going on in your sewing space.
