Tuesday, December 31, 2019

sand castles

I have really been encouraged by the comments from my post yesterday. How lovely to know that there are others like me, loving scraps and fabric. Thank you so much. Now, I need to figure out a way to get it stored better, and keep it off the floor, because, I am getting clumsy enough, I could break myself. tee hee.
I have developed a system for sewing the sand castles blocks together, that I am surprised when I have one done so quickly. Here is the last batch.

sand castles is a Bonnie hunter pattern in the book string frenzy, I started it here and here and here.

Last week's To do Tuesday
1. cut new spikey pieces to go with what I have already cut. I have been sewing these as leaders and enders for sand castles quilt. I cut a bunch of them awhile ago to use a new block loc template, but, now that I am making them, I see I need more light outsides. Did not get done and I have had to get creative with the leader enders.
2. cut small shirt pieces into useable sizes. Did not get done, I was busy cutting frolic
3. Christmas hooray - it was nice but too quiet
4. Quilt one of my quilts - I didn't like any of my options for the back, so I ordered one and it hasn't come.

So I was great at making the list, but my follow through needs a little adjustment.

To do Tuesday
1. finish cutting frolic
2. sew frolic clue 4
3. quilt one of my quilts
4. start January one monthly goals

I am linking to:
to do tuesday


  1. Hi Maggie! Your sand castle blocks sure look lovely - I love the scrappy look yet it's coordinated. Yeah, lists are nice but sometime life just gets in the way. Or we don't FEEL like working on what's on the list. No quilt police here! Here's to a better week for check marks, and most importantly Happy New Year. Thanks for linking up today. ~smile~ Roseanne

  2. that is going to be a great quilt when you are done with it and have used up a lot of scraps too - but I bet you barely made a dent - if you like me you can make one scrap quilt after another and not notice much difference in the pile

  3. Love your Sandcastles blocks - glad they are coming together quickly! It's a good thing no one is holding our feet to the fire with our to-do lists, isn't it?! Sometimes life just gets in the way!

  4. Congrats on finding a way to sew your Sand Castle block faster!! Looking forward to seeing this one come together.

  5. At least there was progress on one project, so the list wasn't a total bust. Good luck with the items on this week's list.
