Tuesday, December 3, 2019

mini template

This just arrived in the mail, and I am really excited to try it. It is the mini version of the pineapple template I have been using.

The center square is 1 1/2 inches.

And round one is 2 1/2 inches. I don't really have time to work on these right now, but they are a fun distraction. I haven't even started the mystery quilt, yet.

I had no intention of ever going smaller with the pineapple block, until, I saw this quilt at the Indy quilt show. It said it was made with the mini ruler. I came home and ordered a mini template.

I am linking to:
to do tuesday


  1. Hi Maggie! Well, well, well. I can certainly see why your were drawn into this mini-pineapple version. You need to make a few blocks so that when you take a break from it you have it firmly in your memory. Right?! thanks for linking up! ~smile~ Roseanne

  2. You know, that's a really great way to use up the itty bitty scraps of favorite fabrics that you just can't bear to throw away... :-). Have fun with your mini pineapple!

  3. That looks fun. I've used the regular size pineapple template, but not the mini yet.
