Monday, December 9, 2019

instagram frolic

I don't like instagram, but everyone else does. The new quiltville mystery quilt, frolic, will be linking up on instagram instead of blog today. When I look at instagram, I feel like I am looking at someone's vacation slides - boring. There is no substance or information to make it interesting.
I did find myself unmotivated to even start this mystery. This will be my 19th quiltville mystery quilt. I have a page of all of them here. I am glad I broke into it.  I have clue one finished. I had all the blue strips already in the scrap user bins, but, I had to cut the raspberry strips.

I have wonky courthouse steps put together as a top. And I have started another one, since it was so much fun. more about this here and here.

I am linking:


1 comment:

  1. a lot of people use Instagram but nothing makes up for the written blogs I think. I do have an Instagram account and share things on there but I find it harder to use for entering give away's and link ups. for those that only do Instagram I feel like I do not "know" them like I do those that write blogs
